We Wash dishes
Yes, we are here to meet your needs
Fees are based on the distance, size of area and services you request. Once the service provider enters your business or home an estimate will be made for you. After the first time, they should have a better sense of exactly how long the cleaning should take. Should there be a discrepancy between the estimate and actual time needed, (Sometimes, first-time cleans or one-time cleanings may require additional time and an additional fee.) If this is the case, and only if you authorize additional time, our staff will continue to clean, and your price will be adjusted accordingly. We will not use additional time without your prior approval.
JCS is fully insured and will be responsible for anything that might be damaged by our team.
Our commitment to your satisfaction is the cornerstone of our success. We promise to give you the quality of service you expect every visit we make to your happy home or office.